
Deletes cloud user objects including cloud service instances and requests.


emcli delete_cloud_user_objects

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • user

    Identifies the name of the user to be used for filtering user objects.

  • purge

    Sets a flag to purge the completed cloud service requests. Default is false unless this option is used.

  • force

    Sets a flag to attempt to cancel In Progress requests. Depending on the job state, there may be some manual cleanup required.

    USE WITH CAUTION. There is no way to undo the operation once started.


Example 1

Delete all cloud objects owned by a specified user (user1) and cancel all scheduled requests:

emcli delete_cloud_user_objects -user="user1"

Example 2

Delete all cloud objects owned by a specified user (user1), cancel all scheduled requests, and purge all completed requests:

emcli delete_cloud_user_objects -user="user1" -purge