
De-configures and deletes Oracle Database.


emcli delete_oracle_database
		 -input_file=data:"absolute file path"
			start_time:yy-MM-dd HH:mm;
			end_time:yy-MM-dd HH:mm;
			[tz:{timezone ID}];
[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • software

    Deletes the empty SIDB home.

  • listeners

    Deletes or de-configures listeners running from the oracle home.

  • all

    Deletes the instances, listeners, and the software home.

  • input_file

    Property file that contains necessary parameters to perform de-configure and delete Oracle Database. Use "emcli describe_input -oracle_database" command to get the list of properties for performing cleanup operation.

  • schedule

    • frequency: Frequency type with which the Oracle Restart is removed. It can be interval (in minutes), weekly, monthly, or yearly

    • start_time: Denotes the starting time of Cleanup Oracle Restart in the format yy-MM-dd HH:mm

    • end_time: Denotes the end time of Cleanup Oracle Restart in the format yy-Mm-dd HH:mm

    • repeat: Repetition rate at Cleanup Oracle Restart. If the frequency is interval, then repeat will be in minutes

    • months: Number of months after which repetition of Cleanup Oracle Restart will occur

    • days: Number of days after which repetition of Cleanup Oracle Restart will occur

    • tz: Time Zone ID


Example 1

This example cleans the Oracle Database Instances based on property file "deletesiha.txt" with the specified schedule.

emcli delete_oracle_database -instances 
		 -schedule="frequency:interval;start_time:15-10-27 05:30;end_time:14-10-12 05:23;repeat:30;grace_period:60;tz:America/New_York"	 	

Example 2

This example cleans the Oracle Database based on property file "deletesiha.txt".

emcli delete_oracle_database -all 