
Verifies the health of the Data Guard configuration of a primary database and performs the following checks:

- Obtains detailed status information from Data Guard broker for each database.

- Verifies that the redo transport is functioning between the primary and standby databases.

- Verifies the proper configuration of the standby redo log files.

- Verifies that the Data Guard broker properties are consistent with underlying database properties.

- Verifies the status of the Agents for all databases.

- Verifies that the preferred credentials are set for all databases.

When the verification process ends, the following fixes are performed automatically:

- Resolves inconsistencies between broker and database properties.

- Creates standby redo log files for any databases when needed.


emcli dg_verify_config
      -primary_target_name="<primary target name>"
      [-primary_db_creds_name="<primary database credential name>"] 
      [-primary_host_creds_name="<primary database host credential name>"]  


  • primary_target_name

    Primary database Enterprise Manager target name. Can be either a single-instance database or a cluster database.

  • primary_target_typ

    Primary database target type. Specify oracle_database for single instance, or rac_database for cluster.

  • primary_db_creds_name

    Primary database named credential for a user with SYSDBA or SYSDG role. Default is to use preferred credential.

  • primary_host_creds_name

    Primary database host named credential for an operating system user who can access the primary database Oracle home. Default is to use preferred credential.

  • reset_inconsistent_props

    Resets the inconsistent properties to the broker or the database values. Allowed values:

    • broker

    • database

    Default is broker.

  • create_srls

    Creates standby redo log files for any database that either have none or do not have the proper number and/or sizes. The files will be created as Oracle-managed files (OMF) for any databases that are configured with OMF.

  • verify_only

    Runs a verification. Neither resolves automatically inconsistent properties nor creates standby redo log files.


Example 1

The following command verifies the health of the Data Guard configuration associated with the primary single-instance database named "database" and resolves the inconsistencies between the database and the broker properties if any.

emcli dg_verify_config 

Example 2

The following command only verifies the health of the primary single-instance database named "database".

emcli dg_verify_config 