
Enables Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) functionality in Enterprise Manager. My Oracle Support (MOS) credentials are used to activate any new asset discovered for ASR.


Only the Enterprise Manager super user can perform this operation.


Standard Mode

emcli em_asr_register
      -mosid="My Oracle Support (MOS) user name"
      [-passwd = <My Oracle Support (MOS) user password>]
      [-dontStartJob = <Do not start activation job as part of registration>]

Interactive or Script Mode

      [,passwd = <My Oracle Support (MOS) user password>]
      [,dontStartJob = <Do not start activation job as part of registration>]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • mosid

    Valid My Oracle Support (MOS) user name.

  • passwd

    MOS user password.

  • dontStartJob

    Flag to tell if activation job should not be started.

Exit Codes

0 if successful. A non-zero value indicates that verb processing was unsuccessful.


Example 1

Enables ASR and starts the activation job:

emcli em_asr_register 

Example 2

Enables ASR but do not start the activation job:

emcli em_asr_register 