
Extracts variables and test definitions from a repository template into a local file.


emcli extract_template_tests

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • templateName

    Name of the template.

  • templateType

    Type of template.

  • output_file

    Name of the output file. If the file does not exist, it will be created; if it already exists, it will be overwritten. (This is assuming the extract operation was successful; if the operation fails, no files are created, and any existing files are left unchanged.)

  • encryption_key

    Key to encrypt the file contents. The same key should be used to decrypt the file.


This example creates a file named my_template.xml containing the variable values and test definitions of the Web Application template my_template. The file contents are encrypted using the key my_password.

emcli extract_template_tests
      -templateName=my_template -templateType=website
      -output_file=my_template.xml -encryption_key=my_password


  • The emcli user must have operator privilege on the repository template to perform this operation.

  • Beacon-related information is not exported to the file. In particular, the list of monitoring beacons, as well as any beacon-specific properties or thresholds, are not exported.

  • The values of password variables are not exported.