
Gets detailed information for a specified blackout.


emcli get_blackout_details
      [-script | -format=
[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Name of the blackout.

  • createdby

    Enterprise Manager user who created the blackout. The default is the current user. For displaying details of a blackout created using emctl, use -createdby="<SYSTEM>".

  • noheader

    Displays tabular information without column headers.

  • script

    This is equivalent to -format="name:script".

  • format

    Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").

    • format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not intended to be parsed by scripts.

    • format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can be specified to change these defaults.

    • format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row separator to a newline.

    • format="name:script;column_separator:<column_sep_string>" column-separates the verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline character.

    • format="name:script;row_separator:<row_sep_string>" row-separates the verb output by <row_sep_string>. Columns are separated by the tab character.

Output Columns

Status, Status ID, Run Jobs, Next Start, Duration, Reason, Frequency, Repeat, Days, Months, Start Time, End Time, TZ Region, TZ Offset


Example 1

This example shows detailed information for blackout blackout1 that the current user created.

emcli get_blackout_details -name=blackout1

Example 2

This example shows detailed information for blackout blackout1 that user joe created.

emcli get_blackout_details -name=blackout1 -createdby=joe