
Displays information about all of the Certificate Authorities (CA) created since the Cloud Control installation. It also displays the Management Agent names whose certificates are issued by the CA(s) when you specify the -details option. The following information is retrieved from the Cloud Control repository:

  • Unique identifier of the Certificate Authority (CA) in the Cloud Control repository

  • CA description

  • CA creation date

  • CA expiration date

  • Number of Management Agents registered to this CA

  • Number of secured Management Agents not registered to any CA


emcli get_ca_info

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • ca_id

    Specifies the Certificate Authority ID.

  • details

    For each Certificate Authority, displays the list of Management Agent names whose certificates are issued by it.


This example shows output for the CA with the ID of 2 specified.

    emcli get_ca_info -ca_id=2
     Info about CA with ID: 2
     CA is configured
     DN:,, OU=EnterpriseManager on,
     O=EnterpriseManager on, L=EnterpriseManager on   
     myomshost.mycompany.com1, ST=CA, C=US, DC=com
     Serial# : 87539237298512593900
     Valid From: Mon Oct 25 17:01:15 UTC 2011
     Valid Till: Thu Oct 22 17:01:12 UTC 2020
     Number of Agents registered with CA ID 2 is 1
     Number of Agents to be re-secured, as OMS is secured using force_newca  
        : 1

Regarding the force_newca option in the last line, the output shows that a new certificate was created with the ID of 2. Two Management Agents have been re-secured to be registered with this new certificate. The OMS running on has been re-secured to be registered with the new certificate created. There is still a Management Agent that needs to be secured to be registered to the new certificate. To retrieve the Management Agent name, you need to run the command "emcli get_ca_info -ca_id=2 -details," which is shown in the next example.

This example displays the Management Agent names registered with the CA(s) for ID 2.

emcli get_ca_info -ca_id=2 -details
     Info about CA with ID: 2
     CA is configured
     DN:,, OU=EnterpriseManager on,  
      O=EnterpriseManager on, L=EnterpriseManager on  
      myomshost.mycompany.com2, ST=CA, C=US, DC=com
     Serial# : 87539237298512593900
     Valid From: Mon Oct 25 17:01:15 UTC 2011
     Valid Till: Thu Oct 22 17:01:12 UTC 2020
     Number of Agents registered with CA ID 2 is 1
     Following Agents needs to be re-secured, as OMS is secured using force_newca    