
Gets all the saved history configuration searches.


emcli get_config_history_searches  


  • target_type

    Target type where the configuration search is created. Default is internal name. It can be a full value or a pattern match using "%".

  • owner

    Name or ID of the user who created the configuration history search.

  • format

    Specifies the format. Allowed values:

    • format="name:pretty" - Prints out the output table in a readable format.

    • format="name:script" - Sets the default column separator to a tab and the default row separator to a new line.

    • format="name:csv" - Sets the column separator to a comma and the row separator to a new line.

    Default is format="name:pretty".

  • noheader

    Displays a tabular output without the column headers.


Example 1

The following command shows all the configuration searches created on target types whose names contain the pattern "data".

emcli get_config_history_searches 

Example 2

The following example shows all the history search created by the user name "Test Admin" and that are created on target type "Oracle Database"

emcli get_config_history_searches 
      -owner="Test Admin"