
Gets the value of an internal metric from the specified OMS. This verb obtains metric values for any of the internal metrics returned by the list_internal_metrics verb.


emcli get_internal_metric 
        -metric_name=<metric name>
        [-script | -format=
        [-oms_name=<specific oms name> ]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • metric_name

    The name of the internal metric whose value you want to extract from the OMS. A list of internal metrics can be obtained using the list_internal_metrics verb.

  • oms_name

    The name of the target OMS. The explicit OMS name can be found in the Cloud Control console Management Services page. To navigate to this page, from the Setup menu select Manage Cloud Control and then Management Services. In the Servers area, look for the full name of the Management Service (<host name>:<port number>_Management_Service).

    Note: You only need to specify the oms_name option if you are attempting to access a specific OMS in a multi-OMS environment. If you omit the oms_name option, the get_internal_metric verb will access the OMS running the current instance of EMCLI.


Example 1

The following example extracts metric values for the metric "pbc_WorkManagerStatistics" from the OMS named "".

emcli get_internal_metric -metric_name=pbs_WorkManagerStatistics

Example 2

The following example extracts metric values for the metric "pbc_WorkManagerStatistics" from the OMS currently running EMCLI.

emcli get_internal_metric -metric_name=pbs_WorkManagerStatistics