
Shows the available Agents for sign-off.

If you do not specify any options, the command shows all Agents available for sign-off. If you specify more than one option, the command shows the union of Agents available for sign-off belonging to each option passed.


emcli get_signoff_agents 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • agents

    List of Agents for sign-off matching Agent names or Agent names pattern separated by commas.

  • platforms

    Lists Agents available for sign-off on the specified platforms.

  • versions

    Lists Agents available for sign-off with the specified version.

  • groups

    Lists Agents available for sign-off belonging to the specified groups.

  • output_file

    Adds the Agents into the output file, which can be submitted for a clean-up job to remove old Oracle Management Agent homes and old Oracle home targets, and back up directories of upgraded Oracle Management Agents.


Example 1

This example shows the list of Agents for clean up that match the Agents specified in the option.

emcli get_signoff_agents -agents="abc%,"

Example 2

This example shows the list of Agents for clean up that match the platform specified in the option.

emcli get_signoff_agents -platforms="Linux x86,Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)"