
Lists the members of the specified system.


emcli get_system_members
      [-depth=#  (default 1)]
      [-script | -format=

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Target name of the system.

  • type

    System type: generic_system. Defaults to generic_system.

  • depth

    Lists target members in sub-systems to the specified depth. When the depth is set to 0, no system target members are listed, and only the system's existence is verified. When the depth is set to -1, all system and sub-system target members are listed.

  • noheader

    Displays tabular information without column headers.

  • script

    This is equivalent to -format="name:script". In interactive and script mode, the value must be True or False.

  • format

    Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").

    • format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not intended to be parsed by scripts.

    • format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can be specified to change these defaults.

    • format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row separator to a newline.

    • format=column_separator:"column_sep_string" column-separates the verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline character.

    • row_separator:"row_sep_string" row-separates the verb output by <row_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the tab character.

Output Columns

Source Target Name, Member Target Name, Member Target Type, Level


Example 1

This example lists the databases in system db2_system.

emcli get_system_members -name=db2_system

Example 2

This example verifies that system my_system:generic_system exists.

emcli get_system_members -name=my_system -depth=0