
Shows upgradable Agents. If you do not specify any options, the command shows all upgradable Agents. If you specify more than one option, the command shows the union of upgradable Agents belonging to each option specified.


emcli get_upgradable_agents 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • agents

    Lists upgradable Agents matching Agent names or an Agent names pattern.

  • platforms

    Lists upgradable Agents on the specified platforms.

  • versions

    Lists upgradable Agents with the specified version.

  • groups

    Lists upgradable Agents belonging to the specified groups.

  • output_file

    Lists upgradable Agents and adds them to the specified file.


Example 1

This example lists upgradable Agents belonging to groups GROUP1 and GRP2.

emcli get_upgradable_agents -groups="GROUP1,GRP2"

Example 2

This example lists upgradable Agents and adds them to the file /scratch/agents_file.txt.

emcli get_upgradable_agents -output_file="/scratch/agents_file.txt"