
Imports a Self Update master catalog file when Enterprise Manager is configured in offline mode. All updates present in the catalog are processed, and the applicable updates are displayed on the Self Update Home for further action.


emcli import_update_catalog 
        [-credential_set_name="setname"] | -credential_name="name" 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • file

    Complete path name of the self update catalog file.

  • omslocal

    Flag specifying that the file is accessible from the OMS.

  • host

    Target name for a host target where the file is available.

  • credential_set_name

    Set name of the preferred credential stored in the repository for the host target. Can be one of the following: HostCredsNormal — Default unprivileged credential set HostCredsPriv — Privileged credential set

  • credential_name

    Name of a named credential stored in the repository. You must specify this along with the credential_owner option.

  • credential_owner

    Owner of a named credential stored in the repository. You must specify this option along with the credential_name option.


Example 1

This example imports the master catalog file that is present on the host The host must be a managed host target in Enterprise Manager, and the Management Agent on this host must be up and running. The preferred unprivileged credentials for host are used to retrieve the remote file.

emcli import_update_catalog 

Example 2

This example imports the master catalog file that is present on the host The host must be a managed host target in Enterprise Manager, and the Management Agent on this host must be up and running. The named credentials "host1_creds" owned by user "admin1" are used to retrieve the remote file.

emcli import_update_catalog 