
Propagates the mentioned configuration to all the JVM targets of the JVM Pool target mentioned or updates the given JVM targets.

In jvm_pools and jvms parameter options one of the parameter is mandatory. At least one of the configuration parameters in the dump directory, or log level, or bci enabled is required to be updated.


emcli jvm_configchange
		[-jvm_pools=<JVM Pool Targets separated by ;>]
		[-jvms=<JVM Targets separated by ;>]
		[-heap_or_jrf_dump_directory=<Directory path>]
		[-log_level=<Log level>]
[ ] indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • -jvm_pools

    One or more fully qualified JVM Pool Targets separated by a semi colon (;).

  • -jvms=

    One or more fully qualified JVM Targets separated by semi colon (;).

  • -heap_or_jrf_dump_directory=

    Fully qualified directory path.

  • -log_level=

    Log level options; 1-ERROR, 2-WARN, 3-INFO, 4-DEBUG, 5-TRACE, 6-ALL.

  • -bci_enabled=

    To enable or disable bytecode instrumentation options; true or false.

  • -monitoring_enabled=

    To enable or disable Jvm monitoring options; Y or N.

  • -debug

    Runs the verb in verbose mode for debugging purposes.


Example 1

emcli jvm_configchange