
Lists active sessions on all OMSes in the environment. By default, the verb prints a summary for each OMS.


emcli list_active_sessions

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • details

    Displays active user sessions on each OMS. The output format is non-tabular.

  • table

    Prints details in table format.

  • script

    Prints output that can be processed by script.

  • format

    Supports the following name/value pairs:csv — Output will be comma-separated script — Output will be in a format that can be processed by script. You can also specify row_separator and column_separator.

  • noheader

    Skips the header.


emcli list_active_sessions
    emcli list_active_sessions -details
    emcli list_active_sessions -details -table
    emcli list_active_sessions -details -table -script
    emcli list_active_sessions -details -table -script -noheader
    emcli list_active_sessions -details -table -format="name:csv"
    emcli list_active_sessions -details -table -format="name:script;row_separator:@@;column_separator:!"