
Provides one corrective action for a compliance standard rule. Note: There cannot be more than one corrective action per rule.


emcli list_compliance_rules_ca 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • attrs

    Attributes of the corrective action for a compliance standard rule. The <attribute list> is a comma separated, case insensitive, quote enclosed list of the attributes of interest. If no attributes are specified, then all the attributes are returned in the following order:

    • rule_guid: Unique identifier of the compliance standard rule.

    • rule_iname: Internal name of the compliance standard rule.

    • rule_dname: Name of the compliance standard rule in English.

    • target_type: Applicable target type of the compliance standard rule.

    • ca_id: Unique identifier of the corrective action.

    • simultaneous_action: "0" allows more than one corrective action to run simultaneously, "1" allows only one corrective action.

  • sep

    Separator character between column values. If no separator is specified, then a comma "," is used.

  • target_type

    Specifies that only compliance standard rules of that target type are returned. If no target type is specified, then the compliance standard rules for all target types are returned.


The following example lists the unique ID, internal name, and ID for all corrective actions for the compliance standard rule for all target types. The separator character used between attributes is a colon (:).

emcli list_compliance_rule_ca 