
Returns unique identifiers for the compliance standard rules referenced by the compliance standard. If the rule is part of the root standard, then the runtime identifier, the root standard identifier, and the compliance standard identifier will be the same. If the rule is part of the included standard (ics) hierarchy, then the runtime identifier and the compliance standard identifier will be the same but different from the root standard identifier.


emcli list_cs_rules 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • cs_iname: Internal name of compliance standard.

  • author: Author of compliance standard.

  • version: Version of compliance standard.

  • attrs

    Attributes of the compliance standard rules. The <attribute_list> is a comma separated, case insensitive, quote enclosed list of the attributes of interest. If no attributes are specified, then all attributes are returned in the following order.

    • root_cs_guid: Unique identifier of the root standard with which the rule is associated.

    • rqs_guid: Unique runtime identifier of the rule referenced with the root standard.

    • cs_guid: Compliance standard identifier.

    • rule_iname: Internal name of the compliance standard rule.

    • target_type: Target type associated with the compliance standard rule.

  • sep

    Separator character between column values. If no separator is specified, then a comma "," is used.


The following example lists compliance standard rules for the second version of the security standard and authored by Jones.

emcli list_cs_rules 