
Lists all HTTP(S) proxies with the following details:

  • Proxy Name

  • Protocol

  • Hostname:Port

  • Status (indicating if the proxy is up or down)

By default, the output is in tabular format.


These proxies mediate HTTP(S) traffic from the Oracle Management Server to the Management Agent.


emcli list_proxies 
        | -format="name:<pretty | csv>"
        | -format="name:script[;column_separator:<string>][;row_separator:<string>]"

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • -noheader

    Displays the output without a header row.

  • -script

    Enables output to be parsed by a script. Each proxy is displayed in a separate line with its fields separated by a tab. This option is equivalent to the -format="name:script" option

  • -format

    Specifies the format of the output. Available options:

    • "name:pretty" - Output format in tabular fashion (default). Each row displays a specific proxy. This format is not intended to be parsed by a script.

    • "name:script" - Output format to be parsed by a script. By default, each proxy is displayed in a separate line with its fields separated by a tab. This format can be customized by using the following format specifiers:

      column_separator: String separating proxy fields

      row_separator: String separating different proxies

    • "name:csv" - Output format in CSV fashion. Each proxy is displayed in a separate line with its fields separated by a comma.


Example 1

The following command lists all proxies in a tabular format along with the column headers.

   emcli list_proxies

Example 2

The following command lists all proxies with each proxy in a separate line and proxy fields are separated by '|'. The header row listing the proxy field names is not displayed.

   emcli list_proxies