
Changes the Agents configured to monitor targets in a WebLogic Domain.


emcli modify_monitoring_agent        -target_name=<target_name>        [-target_type=weblogic_domain]        [-assign_local_agent]        -debug        
[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • target_name

    Complete target name of domain to be modified.

  • target_type

    Default value is weblogic_domain, and is the only valid target type.

  • assign_local_agent

    Globally assigns each target in the WebLogic Domain, such as WebLogic Server, to be monitored by the Agent installed on each target's host. That is, after running the verb with this option, each target in the domain is monitored by its local Agent. The local Agent is assigned if a local Agent is found. Otherwise, the monitoring Agent of the target is not changed.

  • debug

    Runs the verb in verbose mode for debugging purposes.


This example changes the Agents configured to monitor targets in a WebLogic Domain.

emcli modify_monitoring_agent 