
Modifies an existing resolution state that describes the state of incidents or problems. Only super administrators can execute this command. You need to specify the updated label as well as the updated position. The position can be between 2 and 98, and cannot be in use by another resolution state.

You can also optionally indicate that the state should apply to both incidents and problems. A success message is reported if the command is successful. An error message is reported if the change fails.


emcli modify_resolution_state

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • label

    Old label of the state to be modified.

  • new_label

    End-user visible label of the state. The label cannot exceed 32 characters.

  • position

    Position of this state within the overall list of states. This is used when displaying the list of states in the user interface. The position can be between 2 and 98.

    It is recommended that you set the position with sufficient gaps to facilitate moving states around. For example, if you set the positions to 5, 10, and 15 instead of 2, 3, and 4, it is easier to move a state from position 15 to 9, for instance, in contrast to the latter scheme, in which you would have to move all states to provide space for the reordering.

  • applies_to

    Indicates that the state is applicable for incidents and problems. The only supported value is "BOTH."


Example 1

This example updates the resolution state with the old label "Waiting for TT" with the new label "Waiting for Ticket," and if necessary, changes the position to 25.

emcli modify_resolution_state  -label="Waiting for TT" -new_label="Waiting for Ticket" -position=25

Example 2

This example updates the resolution state with the old label "SR Waiting" with the new label "Waiting for SR," and if necessary, changes the position to 35. It also makes the state applicable to incidents and problems.

emcli modify_resolution_state  -label="SR Waiting" -new_label="Waiting for SR" -position=35 -applies_to=BOTH