
This verb accomplishes the following tasks:

  • Packages a Fusion Applications problem by reading details from a pre-written input file.

  • Optionally attaches metrics, custom dumps, and reports by reading details from pre-written heap dumps and database AWR (Automatic Workload Repository) files.

  • Uploads the finalized package to Oracle Support and reports the number of the draft Service Request created for the package if no SR is supplied.


emcli package_fa_problem

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • input_file=incident_packaging_file

    Fully-qualified path to a CSV formatted file containing one line of details for the Fusion Applications problem to be packaged.

    The structure of the CSV file is as follows:

    <Full target name>,
    <Target type>,
    <Problem key>,
    <Host credential name - for using named credentials only>,
    <Host username - for using new credentials only>,
    <Host password - for using new credentials only>,
    <Target credential name - for using named credentials only>,
    <Target username - for using new credentials only>,
    <Target password - for using new credentials only>,
    <Boolean for adding host metrics - optional - default is true>,
    <Boolean for adding WebLogic metrics - optional - default is true>,
    <Boolean for adding JVM dump - optional - default is true>,
    <Boolean for adding heap dumps - optional - default is false>,
    <Boolean for adding Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) reports - optional - default is false>,
    <My Oracle Support username>,
    <My Oracle Support password>,
    <Service Request (SR) number - required if no CSI given>,
    <Customer Support Identifier (CSI) - required if no SR number given>

    For example:


    Note the following points about the format of incident_packaging_file:

    • The delimiter used is a comma ( , ).

    • The order of parameters is fixed. You must provide the parameters in the same order as specified above in the sample file structure.

    • Delimiters must be present even if the corresponding parameter is not provided.

    • If you want to use a comma in one of the parameters provided, you must escape the comma with a backslash, as shown in This example in which the password has a comma:

    • If you want to use a backslash in one of the parameters provided, you must escape the backslash with a backslash, as shown in This example in which the password has a comma:

      /HCMDomain/Server_1/SetupApp,fusion_apps_j2ee_app,Other-1,,username,password,,FAadmin,fusion\ \fa1,,,,,,,,3-6586541801

      For more information about the input_file parameter, see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.

  • input_file=heap_dumps_file

    Fully qualified path to a CSV formatted file containing multiple lines of fully qualified paths to heap dump files to be included in the package. The files whose locations are provided in the file are added as heap dumps to the package.

    For more information about the input_file parameter, see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.

  • input_file=db_awr_file

    Fully-qualified path to a CSV formatted file containing multiple lines of databases and the credentials used to generate reports for the package. The AWR reports generated by the databases provided in the file are added to the package, assuming that the credentials, if needed, are provided and valid.

    The structure of the CSV file is as follows:

    <Database name as used in EM>,
    <credential name - for using named credential only>,
    <username - for using new credential only>,
    <password - for using new credential only>,
    <role - optional, for using new credential only>

    For example:

    Oemrep_database (preferred credentials set in Enterprise Manager)

    Note the following points about the format of db_awr_file:

    • The delimiter used is a comma ( , ).

    • The order of parameters is fixed. You must provide the parameters in the same order as specified above in the sample file structure.

    For more information about the input_file parameter, see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.


Example 1

This example shows a fully-qualified path to a CSV formatted file containing one line of details for the Fusion Applications problem to be packaged.


Example 2

This example shows a fully-qualified path to a CSV formatted file containing multiple lines of databases and the credentials used to generate reports for the package.

Oemrep_database (preferred credentials set in Enterprise Manager)