
Provisions a non-Oracle middleware provisioning profile.

Examples of non-Oracle middleware include Apache Tomcat, JBoss, etc.


emcli provision_mw_profile 
      -profile="Profile Location" 
      -hosts="List of Hosts" 
      -credentials="List of Credentials" 
      [-input_file=parameters:"Provisioning Options"] 
      [-input_file=host_qualifiers:"Host Qualifiers"] 
      [-action="Provisioning Action"] 
      [-work_dir="Working Directory"] 
          start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm; 
          [tz:{java timezone ID}]; 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • profile

    Complete software library location of the profile.

  • hosts

    Comma separated list of hosts where the profile will be provisioned.

  • credentials

    Comma separated list of named credentials used to access the hosts. To pass one credential parameter, enter a name:value pair in the following format:



    credential_name is the name of the named credential.

    credential_owner is the credentials of the Oracle home owner on the administration server host.

    Either a single credential should be provided or the number of credentials should match the number of hosts. If a single credential is provided then it will be used for all of the hosts.

  • input_file:properties

    A properties file listing values for all of the parameters required by the commands listed in the profile properties. This is an optional parameter if the commands listed in the profile properties do not require any external parameters.

  • input_file:host_qualifiers

    A plain text file containing details about the hosts that are provided for provisioning. This is an optional parameter if the commands listed in the profile properties do not require any host qualifiers.

  • action

    One of the provisioning actions as described in the profile properties. This option is not mandatory. If no value is provided then the default action mentioned in the profile properties will be used.

  • work_dir

    A temporary working directory for the provisioning process. It will be cleaned up by the procedure at the end. This option is not mandatory. If no value is provided then the agent's working directory will be used.

  • analyze

    Use this flag to specify whether to run the procedure in analyze mode. If this option is passed, then the procedure will pause after the prerequisites for manual intervention.

  • schedule

    Specify when to run the deployment procedure. If no value is entered, by default the procedure runs immediately. To schedule a procedure, provide:

    • start_time: when the procedure should start.

    • tz: the timezone ID.

    • grace_period: grace period in minutes


Example 1

The following example provisions a profile named MyProfile1 on two hosts using a single credential at the specified schedule.

emcli provision_mw_profile 
      -profile="Middleware Provisioning/Generic Profile/MyProfile1" 

Example 2

The following example provisions a profile named MyProfile2 on two hosts using individual credentials. The procedure runs the steps specified in the action named 'clone' in the profile properties The provided working directory is used by procedure and it runs in analyze mode.

emcli provision_mw_profile 
      -profile="Middleware Provisioning/Generic Profile/MyProfile2" 