
Relocates a pluggable database from one container database to another.


 emcli relocate_pdb 
		 -pdb_target_name="pluggable database target name"
		 -input_file="path of the input file"	
[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • pdb_target_name

    Name of the pluggable database target.

  • input_file

    Path of the file containing the following input properties:
    	SRC_CDB_CRED = SYSDBA source container database credentials (format - CRED_NAME:OWNER)
    	SRC_HOST_CRED = Source container database host credentials (format - CRED_NAME:OWNER)
    	SRC_WORK_DIR = Staging location for pluggable database backup on the source host
    	AVAILABILITY = Pluggable database relocation mode. Allowed values - <MAXIMUM|NORMAL>
    	DEST_PDB_NAME = Name of the destination pluggable database
    	DEST_PDB_DISPLAY_NAME = Display name of the destination pluggable database
    	DEST_CDB_TARGET_NAME = Destination container database target name
    	DEST_CDB_TARGET_TYPE =  Destination container database target type
    	DEST_CDB_CRED = SYSDBA destination container database credentials (format - CRED_NAME:OWNER)
    	DEST_HOST_CRED = Destination container database host credentials (format - CRED_NAME:OWNER)
    	DB_LINK_NAME = Name of an existing Database Link
    	DEST_WORK_DIR = Staging location for pluggable database backup on the destination host
    	IS_BKP_LOC_SHARED = Flag to indicate if backup staging location is shared across source and destination hosts. Allowed values - <Y|N>
    	STORAGE_LOCATION = Destination datafiles location of the relocated pluggable database
    	USE_SAME_STORAGE_LOCATION = Flag to indicate if the pluggable database should be relocated without moving its datafiles. Allowed values - <Y|N>
    	STORAGE_MAX_SIZE = Amount of storage to be used by all tablespaces which belong to the relocated pluggable database
    	STORAGE_MAX_SHARED_TEMP_SIZE = Amount of storage in the default temporary tablespace shared by all pluggable databases
    	LOGGING_TYPE =  Logging attribute for the relocated pluggable database. Allowed values - <LOGGING|NO_LOGGING>
    	EXCLUDE_STANDBYS = Flag to indicate if the relocated pluggable database should be excluded from all standby container databases. Allowed values -<Y|N>
    	CUSTOM_PRE_SCRIPT_URN = URN of the script in Software library to be run before pluggable database relocation
    	CUSTOM_POST_SCRIPT_URN = URN of the script in Software library to be run after pluggable database relocation
    	POST_SQL_SCRIPT_URN = URN of the SQL script in Software library to be run after pluggable database relocation
    	RUN_POST_SQL_USER = User name to run the post SQL script
    	RUN_POST_SQL_PWD = Password of the user to run the post SQL script


Example 1

This example submits the procedure to relocate a pluggable database "PRODCDB_SALES".

 emcli relocate_pdb 