
Removes the target property from all targets of the specified target type. This also removes all values associated with this target property.


emcli remove_target_property


  • target_type

    Target type for which you want to remove this property. To remove this property from all target types for which it is defined, you can specify the "*" wildcard character.

  • property

    Name of the property you want to remove. Property names are case-sensitive. You cannot remove the following Oracle-provided target properties:

    Comment, Deployment Type, Line of Business, Location, Contact


Example 1

This example removes the target property Owner from all targets of type oracle_database. This also removes all values associated with this target property.

emcli remove_target_property  -target_type="oracle_database" -property="Owner"

Example 2

This example removes the target property Owner from all targets. This also removes all values associated with this property for all target types.

emcli remove_target_property  -target_type="*" -property="Owner"