
Retries a failed add host session.


emcli retry_add_host
        -retry_using_same_inputs | -update_inputs_and_retry"
        [-additional_parameters="parameter1 parameter2 ..."]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • session_name

    Name of the session you want to retry.

  • retry_using_same_inputs

    Retries the Add Host session using the same inputs.

  • update_inputs_and_retry

    Updates the inputs and retries the Add Host session.

  • host_names

    Names of the hosts where the Agents need to be installed, separated by a semicolon.

  • platform

    ARU platform ID of the hosts where the Agent needs to be installed.

  • installation_base_directory

    Directory where you want to install the Agent. Provide this option in double-quotes if it is an MS-DOS/Windows style path.

  • credential_name

    Named credential to be used for installing the Agent.

  • credential_owner

    Owner of the named credential.

  • instance_directory

    Instance directory of the Agent. Provide this option in double-quotes if it is an MS-DOS/Windows style path.

  • port

    Port on which the Agent should communicate with the OMS.

  • deployment_type

    Type of Agent deployment, which can be FRESH, CLONE, or SHARED. By default, it is the deployment type of the failed session you want to retry.

  • privilege_delegation_setting

    Privilege delegation setting you want to use for installing an Agent and running the root script.

  • additional_parameters

    Additional parameters you want to use for installing an Agent.

  • source_agent

    Source Agent you want to use for installing a cloned Agent.

  • master_agent

    Master Agent you want to use for installing a shared Agent.

  • preinstallation_script

    Script you want to run before installing the Agent. Provide this option in double-quotes if it is an MS-DOS/Windows style path.

  • preinstallation_script_run_as_root

    Use this option if you want to run the pre-installation script as the root user.

  • preinstallation_script_on_oms

    Use this option if the pre-installation script resides on the OMS host.

  • postinstallation_script

    Script you want to run after installing the Agent. Provide this option in double-quotes if it is an MS-DOS/Windows style path.

  • postinstallation_script_on_oms

    Use this option if the post-installation script resides on the OMS host.

  • postinstallation_script_run_as_root

    Use this option if you want to run the post-installation script as the root user.

  • wait_for_completion

    Runs the Add Host operation synchronously.


Example 1

This example retries the session 'ADD_HOST_SYSMAN_Dec_17_2012_2:02:28_AM_PST' using the same inputs.

emcli retry_add_host session_name='ADD_HOST_SYSMAN_Dec_17_2012_2:02:28_AM_PST' -retry_using_same_inputs

Example 2

This example retries the session 'ADD_HOST_SYSMAN_Dec_17_2012_2:02:28_AM_PST' by updating the input port to 5678.

emcli retry_add_host session_name='ADD_HOST_SYSMAN_Dec_17_2012_2:02:28_AM_PST' -update_inputs_and_retry -port=5678