
Revokes quota that has been assigned.


Standard Mode

emcli revoke_quota
      -assignee_name="assignee name"
      -assignee_type="assignee type"
      [-force][ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional

Interactive or Script Mode.

emcli revoke_quota(
      assignee_name="assignee name"
      assignee_type="assignee type"
      [,quota="quota"]      [,force=True/False])

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • assignee_name

    The assignee to which the quota has been assigned.

  • assignee_type

    The type of assignee. Valid values are: Tenant, User_Profile, or User.

  • quota

    The quota that will be revoked for the assigned user. Quota allocations can be defined:

    • at the entity level.

    • on a quota assignable object if the selected entity supports quota allocation on objects. When quota is allocated on an object, all quota related computations will be done in the context of that object.

  • force

    If an assignee has resource objects allocated itself at the component or entity level, quota cannot be revoked for the assignee. When a quota revoke request is made, a warning message is displayed. The administrator can either revoke all the quota or use the -force parameter to ignore the warning message and revoke the quota.

Exit Codes

0 if successful. A non-zero value indicates that verb processing was unsuccessful.


This section contains the following examples.

Example 1

The following example revokes quota that has been assigned at the entity level.

emcli revoke_quota 

emcli revoke_quota 

emcli revoke_quota 

Example 2

The following example revokes quota that has been assigned to OBJ1 object.

emcli revoke_quota 