
Runs diagnostics checks to identify issues related to discovery, monitoring, and other features.


emcli run_fa_diagnostics

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • input_file

    Fully-qualified path to a CSV-formatted file containing one line of details for each Fusion Instance to be added. The valid Fusion Instance WebLogic Server version is 10.

    The structure of the CSV file for WebLogic Server version 10.x and above is as follows:

    <WebLogic Server version>, 
    <Administration Server host machine name>,
    <Administration Server listen port>,
    <Administration Server username>,
    <Administration Server password>,
    <External Options - optional>,
    <JMX Protocol - required only if SSL is enabled>,
    <JMX Service URL - required only if SSL is enabled>,
    <Unique Domain Identifier>,
    <Agent URL>,
    <Discover Down Servers - optional - Default if not specified is false>,
    <Use Same Credentials for All Domains in the Fusion Instance - optional - Default if not specified is true>,
    <Discover Application Versions - optional - Default if not specified is true>

    For example:

  • debug

    Runs the verb in verbose mode for debugging purposes.


This example reads the my_domains_info.csv file to determine the Fusion Instances to run diagnostic checks, reads the my_agent_mapping.csv file to determine which Management Agents to use for running discovery tests, and reads the my_domain_cred_mapping.csv file to determine which credentials to use to discover the individual product family.

emcli run_fa_diagnostics 