
Removes specified managed servers from a WebLogic Domain.


emcli scaledown_domain 
		 -domain_target="Domain Target Name"
		 -server_list="Server List" 
		 [-host_cred="Host Credentials"] 
		 [-wls_cred="WebLogic Administrator Credentials"]
				start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;
				[tz:{java timezone ID}];
[ ] indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • -domain_target

    Name of the WebLogic domain target.

  • -server_list

    Comma separated list of the managed servers names to be removed.

  • -host_cred

    Named credential list for OS user that has write permission on the managed servers domain homes. To pass the credential parameter, enter a name:value pair in the following format: credential_name:credential_owner.

    • Credential_name is the name of the named credential.

    • Credential_owner is the credentials of the Oracle home owner on the Administration Server host.


    All the operations will be performed with the same credential if only one is provided, if each managed server requires a different credential, then a list of comma separated credentials will be matched against the list of managed servers. If no named credential is provided, the preferred host credentials will be used.
  • -wls_cred

    Named credential used to access the Administration Server. This is an optional parameter. To pass the credential parameter, enter a name:value pair in the following format: credential_name:credential_owner.

    • Credential_name is the name of the named credential.

    • Credential_owner is the credentials of the Administrator of the WebLogic Domain.


    If no named credential is provided, the preferred administrator credentials for the domain target will be used.
  • -schedule

    Specify when to run the deployment procedure. If no value is entered, by default, the procedure runs immediately. To schedule a procedure, provide:
    • start_time: when the procedure should start

    • tz: the timezone ID

    • grace_period: grace period in minutes

Example 1

A single Managed Server named mServer needs to be removed from the WebLogic Domain target /Farm01_base_domain/base_domain at the specified schedule. Since the Managed Server host credentials haven't been specified, the preferred credentials for the target host and domain target are used.

		emcli scaledown_domain 