
Secures Agents by providing a list of Agent names, a group name, and input file. If a group name is provided, Enterprise Manager resolves this to a list of Agents that monitor targets in this group. You can also provide an Agent list with an input file to this EM CLI command. For all of these options, you must provide either a user name or password, or the user must have been configured with preferred credentials on Agent targets. This verb submits a job with the list of Agents and the credentials provided as input, and outputs the Job Name and Job ID that you can use to track the status of the job.

This verb also calculates the list of Agents to resecure by filtering out invalid Agents, Agents that are not secure, Agents that are down, and Agents that already have an active job execution. This verb also filters out Agents that are already secured by the correct CA, but you can disable this particular filter by using the -disable_ca_check option .


emcli secure_agents
        [-agt_names="agt1;agt2;..."] [-agt_names_file="<file>"] 

[ ] incicates that the paramter is optional


  • agt_names

    Semicolon-separated list of Agent names.

  • agt_names_file

    Absolute path of file containing list of Agent names, each on a new line.

  • group_name

    Identifies the list of Agents to secure. Enterprise Manager resolves the list of Agents that monitor (not just members of the group) the list of targets in the group.

  • use_pref_creds

    Uses preferred credentials configured for the Agent to execute the secureAgent job.

  • username

    User name to execute the secureAgent job at the Agent.

  • password

    User password to execute the secureAgent job at the Agent.

  • disable_ca_check

    Disables the check to verify if the Agents are secured with the latest CA.


emcli secure_agents -agt_names="agent_host1:1831;agent_host2:3872" -use_pref_creds

emcli secure_agents -agt_names="agent_host1:1831;agent_host2:3872" -username=oracleagt

emcli secure_agents -agt_names_file=/tmp/agents_list.txt -use_pref_creds

emcli secure_agents -agt_names_file=/tmp/agents_list.txt -username=oracleagt