
Changes the availability definition of a given service.


  emcli set_availability        -name=<target_name>        -type=<target_type>        -availType=TESTS|SYSTEM|SUB_SERVICE        -availOp=and|or


  • name

    Service target name.

  • type

    Service target type. Aggregate services target type are also supported. Use the get_targets verb to get the target type of a target.

  • availType

    Type of availability. Switches the availability to either test-based, system-based, or subservice-based. SUB_SERVICE is supported only for aggregate services.

  • availOp

    If and, it uses all key tests/components to decide availability.

    If or, it uses any key tests/components to decide availability.

  • sysAvailType

    Type of availability when the availType is system-based. Sets the availability to either SYSTEM_TARGET_DIRECTLY or SELECTED_COMPONENTS_OF_A_SYSTEM .

    • If availability is set to 'system target directly', the system associated with the service needs to define availability[status], systemname, and systemtype are required arguments.

    • If availability is set to 'selected components of a system', systemname, systemtype, and keycomponents are required arguments.

    • If availability is set to 'system target directly', and if availability[status] is not defined, the availability set is invalid. Therefore, the only option that can be set is 'selected components of a system'.

  • keycomponents

    Name-type pair (that is, keycomp_name:keycomp_type) list of key components in the system used for the service.


Example 1

This example sets the availability of service MyTarget to be based on any key components of a system.

emcli set_availability -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service' 
                       -availType='system' -availOp='or'
                       -keycomponents='database:oracle_database; host1:host'

Example 2

This example sets the availability of service MyTarget to be based on system targets availability.

emcli set_availability -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service' 
                       -availType='system' -availOp='and'
                       -sysAvailType='system target directly' 
emcli set_availability -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service' 
                       -availType='system' -availOp='and'
                       -sysAvailType='selected components of a system' 
                       -keycomponents='database:oracle_database; host1:host'
emcli set_availability -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service' 
                       -availType='system' -availOp='or'
                       -sysAvailType='selected components of a system' 
                       -keycomponents='database:oracle_database; host1:host'