
Creates or edits a metric promotion based on a test or system.


emcli set_metric_promotion
         threshold_operator (EQ|LE|LT|GT|GE)']
      #[-includeRuleBasedTargets = YES|NO] 
      [-targetFilter = ALL|STARTS_WITH:<filter>|ENDS_WITH:<filter>|
[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


* — Might be required if basedOn is set to SYSTEM ** — Might be required if basedOn is set to TESTS *** — Might be required if basedOn is set to SUB_SERVICE # — One of these values is required for system-based metrics.


  • category

    Defines whether the promoted metric is a usage, performance, or business metric of a service. Category is used to determine the promoted metric name and metric column. If you do not specify this option, you must specify the promotedMetricName and promotedMetricColumn options.

  • basedOn

    Determines whether the promotion is test-based or system-based.

  • aggFunction

    Determines the aggregate function to be used to compute the promoted metric. AVG/MAX/MIN/SUM takes average, max, min, and sum of the dependent metrics, respectively. COPY only copies over a single dependent metric to the promoted metric.

  • promotedMetricName

    Promoted metric name. This is optional if the category is specified.

  • promotedMetricColumn

    Promoted metric column. This is optional if the category is specified.

  • promotedMetricKey

    Required argument that determines the key value of the promoted metric. It is equivalent to the displayed name of the promoted metric in the UI.

  • metricName

    Required argument if the dependent metric column is collected by more than one metric.

  • column

    Dependent metric column.

  • depTargetType

    All dependent targets should be of this target type.

  • depTargets

    Specifies the dependent targets. This argument is ignored if you specify depTargetKeyValues.

  • depTargetKeyValues

    Specifies the key values associated with the dependent targets. Specify multiple key values for a single target by repeating the entry in the following format: 'tgt1:key1;tgt1:key2...'

  • depMetricKeyValue

    Required if the dependent metric is a transpose metric. It is the key value that applies to all the dependent targets.

  • testname

    Defines the name of the test to be used in promoting the metric.

  • testtype

    Defines the type of test to be used in promoting the metric.

  • metricLevel

    Some metrics can be promoted on step-level. This option defines the level to be used during promotion.

  • beacons

    List of beacons to be used for promoting the metric data.

  • depTestComponent

    If metricLevel is not TXN, this option is required to specify which step or which step group is being promoted.

  • threshold

    Defines a threshold on the promoted metric.-mode: The mode can be CREATE or EDIT.

  • includeRuleBasedTargets

    If YES, the system member targets available at the time of metric evaluation are considered for metric evaluation. The default is NO. This option is applicable only for system-based metrics.

  • targetFilter

    The given target filter value is compared with target names of system member targets. The member targets that meet this filter value will participate in the metric evaluation. For a target filter, wild cards such as *, % an so forth are not accepted. e.g., ALL, STARTS_WITH:EM, ENDS_WITH:EM, CONTAINS:EM and EQUALS:EM.


Example 1

This example creates a promoted Performance metric with key value mymetric1 on service MyTarget using MyTest/HTTP. The promoted metric takes the maximum of the dns_time metric column returned by the MyBeacon and mybcn1 beacons. It also has a threshold with 'greater or equal to' operator (GE) with the critical value set to 200 and warning value set to 100.

emcli set_metric_promotion -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service' 
      -category=Performance -basedOn=test -aggFunction=MAX
      -testname='MyTest' -testtype=HTTP
      -beacons='MyBeacon, mybcn1'
      -promotedMetricKey=mymetric1 -column=dns_time -metricName=http_response
      -metricLevel=TXN -threshold='200;100;GE' -mode=CREATE

Example 2

This example creates a promoted Usage metric with the key value AppServerComponentUsage on service MyTarget. The dependent target is 'myapp_server' with type 'oracle_ias'. The promoted metric computes the average value of the cpu.component metric column for the specified key values.

emcli set_metric_promotion -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
      -category=Usage -basedOn=system -aggFunction=AVG
      -promotedMetricKey=AppServerComponentUsage -depTargetType=oracle_ias       