
Modifies the maximum waiting time for the Management Agents. You need to provide Agent names for the modification.


emcli set_reverse_ping_interval 
        -value=" "|-reset_to_default

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • agent_names

    Management agents (host:port) on which the modification needs to be performed.

  • all_agents

    Use only when all Agents need to be modified with the new value.

  • value

    New value to which the existing waiting time needs to be updated.

  • reset_to_default

    Use when the value needs to be reset to the default value.


Example 1

This example modifies the existing waiting time with the new value provided, which in this case is 240.

emcli set_reverse_ping_interval -agent_names="" -value=240

Example 2

This example modifies the existing waiting time for the provided Agents with the default value in the Ping System.

emcli set_reverse_ping_interval -agent_names=";" -reset_to_default