
Stages one or more files associated with an entity revision available in the Software Library to a file system location on a host target, not monitored by an EM Agent.


emcli stage_swlib_entity_files_local
      [-file="<file name as specified during upload>"]
      [-stage_path="<local file system path to stage the file(s)>"]

[ ] indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • entity_rev_id

    Identifier of the entity revision. The Software Library Home page exposes the identifier for folders and entities as a custom column (Internal ID). However, this is hidden by default.

  • file

    Name of the file associated with entity revision. For staging multiple files of the entity, repeat the option. If this is not specified, all the files of the entity will be staged.

  • stage_path

    Location on the host where the files are to be copied.

  • use_latest_revision

    This is an option to indicate whether staging should be carried out for the latest revision of the entity or the revision identified by the entity_rev_id.

  • overwrite_files

    This is an option to indicate whether the file should be overwritten in the stage location or not. By default, files will not be overwritten.


The following example copies the file '' associated with the specified entity revision to '/u01/stage_loc' on the local file system.

emcli stage_swlib_entity_files_local
      -entity_rev_id="oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cmp:COMP_Component:SUB_       Generic:B1B1880C6A8C62AAE040548C42832D14:0.1"