
Suppresses Enterprise Manager Compliance recommended patches for a given target type and/or target name.


 emcli suppress_recommended_patch


  • patch_name

    Specifies the patch name.

  • target_type

    Specifies the target type.

  • target_name

    Specifies the target name.

  • force

    Will suppress the patch recommendations unconditionally

  • revert

    Will revert all suppressions for a given target type and/or target name.


Example 1
In this example a database patch recommendation for patch 1234567 is suppressed:
emcli suppress_recommended_patch -patch_name="1234567" -target_type="oracle_database"
Example 2
In this example database patch suppressed recommendations for database patch 1234567 are reactivated:
emcli suppress_recommended_patch -patch_name="1234567"
-target_type="oracle_database" -revert