
Tests privilege delegation settings on a specified host.


Standard Mode

emcli test_privilege_delegation_setting
        -host_name="Host Name"
        -cred_name="Cred Name"
        [-cred_owner="Cred Owner"]

Interactive or Script Mode

        host_name="Host Name"
        ,cred_name="Cred Name"
        [,cred_owner="Cred Owner"]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • host_name

    Target name of the host.

  • cred_name

    Credential name.

  • cred_owner

    Credential owner

Exit Codes

0 on success. A non-zero value means verb processing was not successful.


Example 1

This example tests the privilege delegation settings for a host named my_host and credentials named my_cred.

emcli test_privilege_delegation_setting

Example 2

This example tests the privilege delegation settings for a host named "my_host" and credential named "my_cred" owned by "owner1."

emcli test_privilege_delegation_setting