
Updates arguments of the failed step and retries it.


emcli update_and_retry_step 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • stateguid

    State GUID.

  • instance

    GUID of the instance.

  • exec

    GUID of the execution.

  • name

    Name of the execution.

  • owner

    Owner of the execution.

  • args

    Arguments of the step to be updated during retry. The format of the arguments are name-value pairs. Name and value are separated by a colon ( : ), and each pair is separated by a semicolon ( ; ). The arguments take scalar data and list data. The format of list data should be like [a,b,c].

    For the full list of arguments that can be updated, see the get_retry_arguments verb.


emcli update_and_retry_step -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61 -stateguid=51F762417C4943DEE040578C4E087168 -args="command:ls"