
Finds all of the targets on the Management Agent, retrieves the monitoring credentials, and updates them in the Management Repository. In 11g Release 1 (, the monitoring credentials for some targets were stored only on the Management Agent.


Although -emd_list and -update_all are shown syntactically as optional, you must provide either one or the other.


emcli update_monitoring_creds_from_agent 

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • emd_list

    List of EMD URLs. You must provide either this option or the update_all option.

  • update_all

    Update in the repository for all targets that have monitoring credentials on the Agents but not in the repository. You must provide either this option or the emd_list option.

Exit Codes

0 if successful. A non-zero value means that verb processing was not successful.


Example 1

This example finds all the targets monitored by host1.example.com:1832 and host2.example.com:1832 that have monitoring credentials on the Agent but not in the management repository, and updates the monitoring credentials in the management repository.

emcli update_monitoring_creds_from_agent 

Example 2

This example finds all the targets that have monitoring credentials on the Management Agents but not in the management repository, and updates the monitoring credentials in the repository.

emcli update_monitoring_creds_from_agent