
Updates the details for a Software Pool.


emcli update_pool
        [-add_members="<Member1, Member2...>"]
        [-remove_members="<Member4, Member5...>"]
        [-properties="<property1=value1, property2=value2>"]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Name of an existing Software Pool.

  • target_type

    Target type of the Software Pool. Example: "mwaas_zone" for Middleware Pool, "oracle_cloud_zone" for Database Pool, and "schaas_pool" for Schema Pool.

  • description

    Description of the Software Pool.

  • add_members

    Comma-separated list of targets to be added as members of the Software Pool. The targets to be added must satisfy the membership constraints of the Software Pool.

  • remove_members

    Member targets to be removed from the Software Pool.

  • placement_constraints

    Comma-separated key-value pairs of the placement constraints that allow the self-service administrator to set maximum ceilings for resource utilization. This provides protection for the members of the Software Pool in terms of resource consumption.

  • properties

    Comma-separated key-value pairs for additional properties that must be specified based on the pool target type. The following credential types can be added: "host_credential", "root_credential","gi_credential","asm_credential","cdb_credential".


emcli update_pool 

displays the following output:

Software Pool "pool4" updated successfully.