
Updates a Service Template.


emcli update_service_template

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • name

    Name of the Service Template.

  • service_family

    Service family to which the Service Template belongs. Example: DBAAS for Database, and MWAAS for Middleware.

  • pool_target_type

    Target type of Software Pools to be associated with the Service Template.

  • add_software_pools

    Comma-separated list of the Software Pools to be associated with this Service Template.

  • remove_software_pools

    Comma-separated list of the Software Pools to be removed from this Service Template.

  • add_roles

    Comma-separated list of SSA roles to be added to this Service Template. The SSA roles must already be created before attempting to add them to the Service Template.

  • remove_roles

    Comma-separated list of SSA roles to be removed from this Service Template.

  • description

    Description of the Service Template.

  • input_file

    File containing configuration and profile data that will be required for updating values of procedure configuration variables. Format the data in JSON format. For example input_file='data:executable.json'


emcli update_service_template
-name="Middleware service template August"
-description="Updated description. Large instance size Service Template."

displays the following output:.

Service Template "Middleware service template August" updated successfully.