
Updates the limit for Apply lag and Transport lag for all databases or selected databases of the system.


emcli update_siteguard_lag

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


  • system_name

    Name of the system whose lag limits you want to update.

  • target_name

    Name of the database whose lag limits you want to update.

  • property_name

    Name of the lag property. Valid values for this option are ApplyLag and TransportLag.

  • value

    Time limit of the lag. Specify the values of this option in seconds.


Example 1

This example updates the Apply lag property with a lag limit of 1000 seconds on all of the databases configured on austin-system:

emcli update_siteguard_lag 

Example 2

This example updates the Transport lag property with a lag limit of 2500 seconds on the OID-db database configured on austin-system:

emcli update_siteguard_lag 