
Updates the changed target password in the Enterprise Manager credential sub-system. For collection or monitoring credentials, the password change is also propagated to Enterprise Manager Management Agents.


emcli update_target_password        -target_type="ttype"        -target_name="tname"        -key_column="column_name:column_value"        [-change_all_references="yes/no"]        [-input_file="tag1:file_path1;tag2:file_path2;..."]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional


When you execute this verb, you are prompted to enter the following values in non-echo mode:

-old_password -new_password -retype_new_password


  • target_type

    Type of target.

  • target_name

    Name of the target.

  • key_column

    Name and value of the key column for the credential type. The key column usually represents the user name.

    To obtain the key column for a target type, enter the following command:

    emcli show_credential_type_info -target_type=<target_type>"

    To obtain the key column for all target types, enter the following command:

    emcli show_credential_type_info

    To obtain the key column for a target type, enter the following command:

    emcli show_credential_type_info -target_type=<target_type>"
  • change_all_references

    Specifies if the password must be changed for all references in Enterprise Manager for the given user.

    Possible values are:

    • Yes — Updates all references in Enterprise Manager for this password.

    • No — Updates the password for the current logged-in user. This is the default.

  • input_file

    File path that has old and new passwords. This option hides passwords. You must accompany each path with a tag referenced in the password options. You can specify this option more than once.

    For more information about the input_file parameter, see -input_file Syntax Guidelines.


Example 1

This example asks the user to enter the values of the old and new passwords, then retype the new password to update the new password in Enterprise Manager for this target reference.

emcli update_target_password      -target_type=host      -target_name=myHost      -key_column=HostUserName:Admin1

Example 2

This example asks the user to enter the values of the old and new passwords, then retype the new password to update the new password in Enterprise Manager for all users' credentials referenced with the mydb target name and Admin1 user name.

emcli update_target_password      -target_type=oracle_database      -target_name=mydb      -key_column=DBUserName:Admin1      -change_all_references=yes