
Compares and synchronizes database server-generated alert metric thresholds between Enterprise Manager and target database(s). You can run the verb by specifying one or more specific database target(s) or an Enterprise Manager Group. If you specify a group, compare and synchronize operations are run for all database targets in the group and all of its sub-groups.

This verb generates one row for each server-generated alert metric threshold that is out-of-sync. Each row contains details, such as metric name, object name, critical, and warning thresholds in Enterprise Manager and the target database. Each of the values are separated by a comma.


emcli validate_server_generated_alerts
     [-group="group_name" [-fix] [-verbose]]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.


  • group

    Name of the Enterprise Manager group.

  • targets

    Target Name, Target Type pair(s). This option is mutually exclusive with the -group option.

  • fix

    Synchronizes server-generated alert metric thresholds between Enterprise Manager and the specified database target(s). Server -generated alert metric thresholds in Enterprise Manager are pushed to the target database(s) during the synchronize operation.

  • verbose

    Provides a detailed report of out-of-sync thresholds.

  • help

    Shows help messages.


  • This verb may not push some metrics to the target database due to non-existent Object(s). For example: non-existent tablespace.

  • This verb's default output format is comma-separated values (CSV).


Example 1

This example compares thresholds between Enterprise Manager and 'ProdDb' (including RAC instances) and 'TestDb' individually.

emcli validate_server_generated_alerts 

Example 2

This example compares and fixes thresholds between Enterprise Manager and target databases 'ProdDb' and 'TestDb' individually.

emcli validate_server_generated_alerts 
-targets="ProdDb:rac_database;TestDb:oracle_database" -fix