Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager Prerequisites

  • The Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager must be associated with only one Enterprise Manager installation.

  • As a best practice, it is recommended that the Management Agent and the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager are present on the same physical machine.

  • Ensure that the Enterprise Manager for Oracle Virtualization plug-in or a later version has been deployed on the Oracle Management Service and the Management Agent. This plugin supports Oracle Linux Virtualization 4.2.8 and higher.

  • You must have imported the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager certificate to the Agent keystore by following these steps:
    1. Log in to oVirt URL using root credentials and accept the certificate on that site.

      Add the exception in your browser (if needed) and then export the certificate to a file from your browser’s list of stored certificates. When you access the oVirt Manager UI for the first time, a screen for adding the exception will be displayed.

      1. Click Add Exception.
      2. Click view to see the certificate.
      3. Click Export to export/download the certificate to your local host. Transfer this certificate to the OLV Manager host where the agent is installed.
      4. Click Confirm Security Exception.
    2. Log in as an Enterprise Manager Agent install user and import the Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager certificate <AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>/bin/emctl secure add_trust_cert_to_jks -trust_certs_loc <file_loc_for_certificate> -alias <alias_name>

      If the certificate is being imported for multiple oVirt Managers, you can specify multiple alias names.