Oracle DBSAT Compliance Standard Prerequisites

The following are a list of prerequisites required for Oracle DBSAT to be deployed as a Compliance Standard.

  • Currently Oracle DBSAT Compliance Standard is available only for Oracle Red Hat Linux 7 and above.
  • The DBSAT Standard must be associated to the database target which is being monitored by EM agent running on the same host OS.
  • Oracle DBSAT Compliance Standard requires a minimum version of Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Update 5 ( for single instance and CDBs. Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 update 22 ( is required for PDBs and RAC databases.
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager 13 Release 5 Update 11 ( is required to use the Sensitive Data Assessment Report.
  • Oracle DBSAT Compliance Standard requires PERL installed on the database target being monitored by the EM agent.
    1. Verify PERL is installed:
      perl -v


      If PERL is already installed in the database target being monitored by EM, there is no further action to be taken.
    2. To install the PERL modules use the following commands:
      sudo yum -y install perl-DBI
      sudo yum install -y perl-XML-XPath
      If the installation is correct, the following messages will be displayed:
      Loaded plugins: langpacks, ulninfo Package perl-DBI-1.627-4.el7.x86_64 already installed and latest version
      Loaded plugins: langpacks, ulninfo Package perl-XML-XPath-1.13-22.el7.noarch
  • In order for the integrated reported to with the Enterprise Manager integrated DBSAT, Python needs to installed.
    1. Unzip Python onto the server:
      yum install -y zip unzip python
    2. Check the Python version installed, it must be 2.7.5 or higher:
      python -V
      It will return the installed version:
      Python 2.7.5
  • If you are planning on using Discoverer with DBSAT, a Java 8 JDK environment is required. The JAVA_HOME environment variable needs to be set with the following command:

For further information on prerequisites for the DBSAT tool see: Oracle Database Security Assessment Tool Prerequisites.