7 Global Data Services

This chapter provides information about the Global Data Service metrics.

Global Data Services (GDS) provide dynamic load balancing, failover, and centralized service management for a set of replicated databases that offer common services. The sections in this chapter provide information about the metrics available for the following GDS targets:

  • Global Service Manager
  • Global Data Service Pool

Global Service Manager

This section provides information about the metric categories available for the Global Service Manager target.

A Global Service Manager is the central software component of GDS, which provides service-level load balancing, failover, and centralized management of services in the GDS configuration.

Shard Global Service Performance

The metrics in this category report the shard global service performance details.

Note that this metric is disabled by default and you can enable it in the Oracle Enterprise Manager console or using a Monitoring template.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
12c and later Every 15 minutes
Metric Name Description Unit
Average Active Sessions Ratio of the DB time to wall clock time. None
Service Time (m/s) Average time spent per user call. Milliseconds
Throughput (calls/sec) Number of user calls per second. Operations per second


This section provides information on the metrics in the Load category.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
12c and later Every 5 minutes
Metric Name Description Unit
Connections Established (per min) Count of connections established per minute. None
Connections Refused (per min) Count of connections refused per minute. None

General Status

This section provides information on the metrics in the General Status category.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
12c and later Every 5 minutes
Metric Name Description Unit
Host GSM host None
Port GSM port None
Region Region name None
Region Master Regional master GSM None
Start Date GSM start time Date
TNSPING Response Time Response time of TNSPING test from GDS home to GSM server. Milliseconds
TNSPING Status Status of TNSPING test from GDS home to GSM server. Status (0 or 1)

Global Data Service Pool

This section provides information about the metric category available for the Global Data Service Pool target.

A Global Data Services Pool is a named subset of databases within a GDS configuration that provides a unique set of global services and belongs to the same administrative domain. Partitioning of GDS configuration databases into pools simplifies service management and provides higher security by allowing each pool to be administered by a different administrator.

Global Service Status

This section provides information on the metrics in the Global Service Status category.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
12c and later Every 5 minutes
Metric Name Description Unit
Preferred Database(s) Preferred list of instances where the service should run. If the role is specified to a service, then all the instances matching the role in the GDS configuration are considered preferred. None
Running Database(s) Instances where the service is running. None
Service Name Global service name None
Service Status Status of global service based on running and preferred instances:
  • If the service is running on all preferred instances then it is "Up".
  • If the service is running on some of preferred instances then it is "Up with Warning".
  • If the service is not running on any of preferred instances then it is "Down".