6 Update the Oracle Enterprise Manager App for Grafana

You can update the App with the latest release by downloading the most recent distribution file and overwriting the existing content in your Grafana Server home directory.

The Oracle Enterprise Manager App for Grafana upgrade can be performed using either of the following methods:

  • Upgrade using the Grafana command line interface (Recommended)
  • Upgrade manually

To perform the update using the Grafana command line interface:

  1. Remove the existing App.
    ./grafana-cli --pluginsDir <PLUGIN_DIR> plugins remove oracle-emcc-app
  2. Install the new App.
    /grafana-cli --pluginsDir <PLUGIN_DIR> --pluginUrl <FULL_PATH>/oracle-emcc-app-<VERSION>.zip plugins install oracle-emcc-app

    Alternatively, instead of specifying the full path to the App distribution file, you can specify a download URL.

    ./grafana-cli --pluginsDir <PLUGIN_DIR> --pluginUrl <PLUGIN_URL> plugins install oracle-emcc-app
  3. Restart the Grafana Server.
    cd $GRAFANA_HOME/bin

To perform the update manually:

  1. Download Oracle Enterprise Manager App for Grafana zip file em-datasource-<version>.zip from the Oracle Enterprise Manager App for Grafana download page.
  2. Extract the App files.
    unzip em-datasource-<version>.zip
  3. Move the existing App files from your Grafana home directory to a backup directory.
    mv $GRAFANA_HOME/data/plugins/oracle-emcc-app/* <backup directory>


    As a best practice, you should always make a complete backup of this directory before updating directory content.

  4. Copy the latest App files to your Grafana home directory.
    cp -r oracle-emcc-app-<version>/* $GRAFANA_HOME/data/plugins/oracle-emcc-app
  5. Restart the Grafana Server.
    cd $GRAFANA_HOME/bin