Mapping Host Sources to Destinations

Next, map the host sources to the destinations they will be consolidated to. The objective is to fit source requirements with each destination's available resources as tightly as possible.

Oracle recommends that you allow Host Consolidation Planner to perform this mapping automatically. This will allow the tool to maximize resource utilization of destinations based on resource capabilities and the various consolidation constraints specified. If you use manual mapping, the source will be mapped to the destination even if the destination lacks sufficient capacity. In addition, manual mapping may violate previously declared constraints.

When you have chosen existing destinations, you can optionally map each source and destination manually:

  1. Click a source in the list.
  2. Click the flashlight icon to select the destination to map to the source. Note that you can map a single source to a destination or multiple sources to a destination, but there can be only one destination

    The resulting consolidation report will show any resource and/or constraint violations due to such manual mapping.

  3. Click Next to review the consolidation scenario.