Provisioning Summary

Provisioning Summary represents allocation related summary attributes (allocated, unallocated, and overhead) for File Systems (Writeable NFS part), ASM, Volumes, and Disks for the associated hosts.

Note that Writeable NFS is shown in Provisioning Summary to account for the storage attached to the host over NFS. These layers are managed by IT administrators who are responsible for provisioning space to applications.

Allocation related attributes do not change frequently, change typically results from an administrative action taken by an IT administrator. See Provisioning Summary section in the About Storage Computation Formula help topic for details on how this information is calculated.

The bar chart summarizes the allocated, unallocated, and overhead for all entities present in Disk, Volume, Oracle ASM, and Writeable Network File Systems (NFS) portion of File System layer for the host or associated hosts of the group.

If a specific layer is not deployed, the corresponding bar is omitted from the chart. The bar chart answers the following questions.

  • How much space is available for allocation from the entities present in the given layer?

  • How much space was allocated from the entities present in the given layer?

  • What is the overhead of deployed Volume Management software?

  • What is the overhead of deployed Oracle ASM software?

    Note: When launched in the context of a group, rollup information shown in the charts excludes NFS mounts that are based on Local File Systems present in the associated hosts.