
The Services page provides a list of all the services and their statistics for this host. This page enables you to:

  • Start, stop, and restart services.

  • Access the page that allows you to edit the properties of individual services.

  • View the current system run level. When no run level is defined for the service, the service uses the current system run level.

  • Refresh updates the services administration page with latest list of services available on the host. This is helpful to fetch updates which are done directly on host, instead through Enterprise Manager.

  • Determine whether the service is enabled and view the service run levels:

    Run Level Description


    System halt


    Single user mode

    Only one user can be logged on at any point in time. Additional users will not be allowed to log on until the user using the system logs off.


    Basic multiuser mode without network


    Full multiuser mode with network


    This run level is for future Oracle use.


    Full multiuser mode with network and X display manager


    System reboot

Note: Be aware that you must restart the system for the run level to take effect.