Setting Data Collection Parameters

Specify the duration over which data used to generate host consolidation scenarios will be collected for the source servers specified in the project. This data will be used to determine the resource requirements that a destination server must meet.

  1. Specify the minimum number of days to collect data. The default minimum value is 21 days. To use existing historical data to run and view consolidation scenarios immediately, set the minimum number of days to 0.
  2. Specify the maximum number of days to collect data. The default maximum value is 90 days.
  3. Specify when to begin the data collection process.

    Note that once data collection begins, you can elect to suspend and resume collecting at any time from the Actions menu in the Consolidation console.

  4. Optionally select Continue Data Collection Over the Maximum Days to purge the oldest day's data when data for a new day is added.
  5. Click Next to choose a pre-configured scenario.